As a transfer student to Nazareth, I knew I wanted to take advantage of my SPARK Grant and study abroad quickly. With my love of history, the Cuba program jumped out to me as a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Minutes after introducing himself, our tour guide, Abel, said “Do not try to understand Cuba.” While his claim first startled me, over the next nine days in Cuba I gradually began to see his rationale. Havana, Cuba, where we spent the majority of our time, is a city remarkable to the eye. With architecture of colonial style, Old Havana is an enchanting place with centuries of history to share with visitors. Tom Millington, Executive Director of Abroadia, organized an abundance of meetings with Cuban intellectuals, professors, diplomats, and journalists to help give our group a dynamic view into Cuba. Through these conversations, our group gained a vital amount of information about the country we were visiting. Beyond presentations delving into the Cuban economy, political situation, race and gender relations, and much more, our group was treated to numerous opportunities to learn about Cuban culture.

In this manner, Abroadia’s Cuban experience took full form. While providing us with substantial chances to learn of Cuba from an academic standpoint, Millington organized many unique adventures peering into Cuban life. From art and music, to dancing and religion we saw and heard Cuba in an intimate manner.

Looking back to my experience in Cuba, I often reflect on Abel’s statement. I do not understand Cuba, but I certainly appreciate it far more than I did before this experience. I am now more attuned to how the United States foreign policy can impact people in such a personal manner. I am ever more curious about Cuba and its institutions. Most of all though, I feel a sense of gratitude for walking the streets of Havana and building relationships with those who call Cuba home. The Nazareth program, in conjunction with Abroadia, is an exploration of a place filled with charm, passion, and endearing connections. Above anything, traveling to Cuba will empower students to think critically beyond the classroom setting.

Griffin Bond is a junior at Nazareth University where he features on the men’s tennis team. He joined Abroadia in Cuba in January. In the photo above he is conversing with veteran American journalist Marc Frank in Havana.