Faculty-Directed Programs

Abroadia is committed to working with college/university faculty to develop a strong academic program in any of its locations abroad. Other providers use the term “faculty-led” programs, which is fine. We just like to emphasize that the professor drives the program, especially the academic portion of it. We provide logistical support from the planning stages to the completion of the program. “Faculty-led program” connotes that the professor has a more passive role in the success of the program.

The philosopher and theologian Thomas Merton once observed that, “As long as I assume that the world is something I discover by turning on the radio…I am deceived from the start.” His words could not be more prophetic and with the onslaught of social media and the emergence of news “sources” that misinform the public, it has become imperative to take students out into the world to encounter it and engage with it in meaningful and academic ways. The world should not come to the student, but rather the student should go to the world. The role of the faculty leader is crucial in guiding students on this important journey.

Photo with Glenda at Museum.JPG

How to get started

The process is easier than you would think. The important thing is to do as much research into the program you would like lead and be in regular communication with the people who will make it happen.

  1. Meet with the director of study abroad on your campus. It is extremely important to know the protocols you must follow to create your program. You should have this meeting at least 12 months before you will your program. Remember, you will need time to recruit students.

  2. Consult frequently with the Forum on Education Abroad. They offer valuable information to help you design and run a successful short-term program abroad. Leading Short-Term Education Abroad Programs: Know the Standards is an invaluable resource.

  3. Choose your partner program provider. We hope you will choose Abroadia, but if not, make sure to consult with colleges and universities that have worked with the organization you have chosen to partner with. We are happy to put you in touch with universities that have worked with us.

  4. Recruiting students will take time, but your study abroad office will be an excellent resource. You can recruit students at study abroad fairs and Abroadia can send a representative to your campus to help you with your efforts at promoting your program.

What we have scheduled for 2025:

Familarization Visit to Cuba

Familiarization Visit to Salamanca, Spain

What we have scheduled for 2026:

A customized program to San Sebastian, Spain for a professor and students (to be published soon)