“A house divided against itself, cannot stand.” These words uttered by Abraham Lincoln 162 years ago resonate now in ways that even he could not imagine. In 1858 Lincoln assailed the institution of slavery as the issue that bifurcated the country into two distinct camps: pro-slavery and anti-slavery. Now in 2020, it is not an institution or practice, but a political party that promotes division, derision, racism, bigotry, hatred and xenophobia in a way that has not been seen in decades.
For the last four years we have seen a president promote a policy to prohibit travelers from Muslim countries from entering into the US; a policy that separates immigrant children from their parents at the border and incarcerated in cages; a unilateralist approach that has adversely impacted US relations with other countries in the world forcing them to shun our country. International students have been vilified by an administration that refuses to condemn xenophobia and outright bigotry displayed many of its supporters. The failure of the current administration to protect the environment or its unwillingness to support a resolution supporting the rights of women raped during war is glaring in its inhumanity.
Maintaining the absurd and antiquated policy toward Cuba is another testament of the current administration’s inability to see beyond political rhetoric to reach a common ground with a people who have suffered so much over the last 60 years.
The abysmal efforts to contain the Coronavirus pandemic illustrates very clear to us all, that this administration does not care about the citizens of this country. Labeling the Coronavirus a “Chinese” or “Asian” disease is symptomatic of a racist and mentally unfit person.
But when the country needed leadership regarding violence toward African-Americans by the police, this current administration did nothing to ease tensions and bring unity, but rather he inflamed already testy feelings.
We could go on. There is no shortage of crimes against internationalism, humanity or decency that this administration has employed to retain its hold on power.
It is time for a change. We must turn the page on this abominable chapter of our history and write another chapter.
We believe that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can do this.
Abroadia endorses Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.